- Por André Guelfi Torres
- ·
- Publicado 08 Apr 2019
Every time I was trying to test an object's properties I was neither satisfied writing very verbose tests nor in using some of the out of the box hamcrest matchers. Although using the matchers was a big help, I never managed to make them read the way I wanted.
Another thing that was very important to me, I wanted to have a single assertion per method and a very descriptive description if the test did not pass.
I've decided to write my own matcher and hopefully it will be useful to other people. So, that's what I've done:
Hamcrest matcher to match multiple attributes of an object within a single assertion.
// Static imports
import static org.craftedsw.beanpropertymatcher.matcher.BeanMatcher.has;
import static org.craftedsw.beanpropertymatcher.matcher.BeanPropertyMatcher.property;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
// Imagine that you have a method that returns an object Person
Person person = new Person();
// Then you can test it like that
assertThat(person, has(
property("firstName", equalTo("Another dude")), // Mistmatch
property("age", greaterThan(18)), // Use any matcher
property("lastName", equalTo("Mancuso"))));
Hamcrest matcher to match multiple attributes of an object within a single assertion.
NOTE: Make sure you are using org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat instead of the JUnit one.
If you run this test, you will get a message like
Expected: property "firstName" = "Another dude"
but: property "firstName" was "Sandro"
Now, change the age check to
And you should get:
You can also do this
Person person = new Person();
Country uk = new Country();
uk.setName("United Kingdom");
Address address = new Address();
assertThat(person, has(
property("firstName", equalTo("Sandro")),
property("age", greaterThan(18)),
property("address.city", equalTo("London")),
property("address.postcode", equalTo("1234556")),
property("address.country.name", equalTo("United Kingdom"))));
I use a combination of two matchers to do that:
BeanMatcher: Provides the "has" method responsible to group all the property matchers.
BeanPropertyMatcher: Provides the "property" method.
I expect to make more changes to them, so for the most up-to-date version, please check BeanMatcher on my github account.
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