Speed Reading

21 Nov 2012

It's not often you read a book that changes your perceptions. Speed Reading by Susan Norman/Jan Cisek is one of them. I've always loved reading books but had felt that I read very slow. According to the book reading has many types and you employ a type that suits the purpose for your reading. The problem was not the fact that I read slow but that I only had one style of reading irrespective of what I was reading and why.

The "slow" type where you read every individual word is one where the purpose is "reading for pleasure". Other styles such as Skimming (looking for key words), Scanning (Looking for very specific information) are more useful for quickly gleaning info from a book.

There are many techniques listed in the book that can make reading a more productive experience. Examples include using your peripheral vision more effectively, preparing your mind before reading, employing your sub conscience mind etc.

Some of the techniques may be quite difficult to master but it will at least change how you view reading. You may even discover that you already use some of these techniques naturally.

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