Create an F# project in VSCode

directions by Beat Tschanz


Step-by-step instructions

  • Create new directory
  • Move to new directory
  • At the console type Code . or open VSCode and then open the new directory you just created
  • Press [Shift] [Command/Ctrl] [P] and type F#
  • Select New Project
  • Choose classlib or console or other project type for the production project
  • Choose the project directory (if left empty, current directory will be used)
  • Provide a project name (using production.fsproj for this example)
  • Press [Shift] [Command/Ctrl] [P] and type FAKE
  • Choose Default build, you should see an output similar to this:

    Checking Paket version (downloading latest stable)...
    Paket.exe 3.33.5 is up to date.
    Paket version 3.33.5
    0 seconds - ready.
    Building project with version: LocalBuild
    Shortened DependencyGraph for Target Build:
    <== Build
     <== Clean
  • Press [Shift] [Command/Ctrl] [P] and type F#
  • Select New Project
  • Choose fsunit for test code
  • Choose the project directory (if left empty current directory will be used)
  • Provide a project name (using test.fsproj for this example)
  • Open up the test.fsproj file
  • Press [Shift] [Command/Ctrl] [P] and type F#
  • Select Add Project Reference
  • Choose test.fsproj project as the project that you want to edit
  • Choose production.fsproj project as the reference you want to add
  • Verify that test.fsproj has been changed and contains a reference to production.fsproj

      <ProjectReference Include="../production/production.fsproj">
  • Press [Shift] [Command/Ctrl] [P] and type paket
  • Select Add Nuget Package
  • Type Nunit.Console
  • Verify that paket.dependencies gets updated with new dependency

    nuget FAKE
    nuget FSharp.Core
    nuget FsUnit
    nuget FsCheck
    nuget nunit.console // <- !!!This line should be present!!!
  • Open build.fsx

  • Add open Fake.Testing after open Fake

    open Fake
    open Fake.Testing // <--!!!Add this line!!!
  • Add the test task

    let testAssemblies = !! (buildDir + "*Tests.dll") // <--!!!Add this line!!!
    Target "UnitTests" (fun _ -> testAssemblies |> NUnit3 id) // <--!!!Add this line!!!
  • Add UnitTests to the build

    ==> "Build"
    ==> "UnitTests" // <--!!!Add this line!!!
    ==> "Deploy"
    RunTargetOrDefault "Build"
  • Press [Shift] [Command/Ctrl] [P] and type FAKE

  • Choose build
  • Choose UnitTests, you should see an output similar to this:

    Checking Paket version (downloading latest stable)...
    Paket.exe 3.33.5 is up to date.
    Paket version 3.33.5
    0 seconds - ready.
    Building project with version: LocalBuild
    Shortened DependencyGraph for Target UnitTests:
    <== UnitTests
     <== Build
        <== Clean



  • Press [Shift] [Command/Ctrl] [B]
  • Should show an error and you can choose to edit. Edit the configuration to run the build script

      // See
      // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
      "version": "0.1.0",
      "command": "./", // <--!!!Modify this line to call your build script ( on mac/linux) or (build.cmd on windows)!!!
      "isShellCommand": true,
      "args": [], // <--!!!Modify this line to remove arguments!!!
      "showOutput": "always"
  • Press [Shift] [Command/Ctrl] [B], you should see an output similar to this:

    Checking Paket version (downloading latest stable)...
    Paket.exe 3.33.5 is up to date.
    Paket version 3.33.5
    0 seconds - ready.
    Building project with version: LocalBuild
    Shortened DependencyGraph for Target Build:
    <== Build
     <== Clean
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