My First Months At Codurance

29 Jan 2020

A few days ago I completed five months as part of the Codurance team in Spain. It has all happened very fast because it's been intense, innovative, constructive, and very beautiful.

Codurance is growing and today I can affirm without fear of being wrong that being part of the company at this stage is one of the best professional challenges I have faced. There are several reasons for that conclusion; some of them can be approached from a more objective point of view, and some I do want to feel them from an emotional point of view. We are complex human beings and I think there are very subtle sensations that, sometimes, are the ones that make me get out of bed every morning and say: “let's go for another day and let's go sharp!”

Feedback Culture

I have been able to verify how the feedback is part of our DNA, it is not just a claim on our website. We ask for feedback from our customers, those who are still potential customers, those who approach Codurance in selection processes, we ask for feedback from each other, we do it with our suppliers. We have a statement that is “help me improve, give me feedback!” We like to be consistent and aligned with this imperative need for continuous improvement that is an essential part of our culture.

In this sense, we also work on the processes to give and receive feedback, because the message and how it’s delivered is as important as the way it is received.

 A new and peculiar environment

The first days at Codurance I understood 20% (being very optimistic) of the words, terms, and concepts I heard around me. I come from a marketing and communication background, and changing the registry (and more to one as technical as Codurance), requires a period of adaptation. I have to admit that this process is still underway, and thanks to my colleagues I’m still discovering new (very new) concepts, and really I love that. Luckily, they have a lot of patience, and it comforts me to think that if I could become familiar with an airline's operations language, I can come to understand this new language.

Involvement with the community

Part of my role is to continue strengthening the active role that Codurance Spain has in the community of technical professionals in Barcelona. It is absolutely revealing to see the implication and the strong feeling of belonging that there are in this type of community. If anything is clear in Codurance it is that contributing our grain of sand to the community is part of our desires and is one of our objectives that motivates us.

One of the first actions has been to facilitate Codurance's facilities and resources so that the Global Day Coderetreat takes place in our offices, both in London and in Barcelona. We have worked hard so that those who have signed up for this special day would have a good reception in our offices and leave this retreat feeling satisfied and part of the community. That fills us with pride and satisfaction.

Work with UK

This point is being fantastic, one of the most fascinating challenges this month. We work fully aligned and in real-time within our three offices of Codurance: London, Manchester, and Barcelona. It is not something we say on paper because it looks good at the brand level, it is a reality. My day to day is spent talking with Nichole, ​​David, and Angus, three of the colleagues who dedicate part of their work to issues related to the communication and marketing of the brand. Thank you for your help in these first months, colleagues.

So, if you are reading this post and you think Codurance can be your new professional home, I encourage you to submit your application. We are in the process of hiring and we need developers. If you like challenges and you’re willing to offer your best, we are waiting for you. Craft at heart!

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