Musings on Zero Downtime Deployment

14 Jan 2012

I've been thinking about Zero Downtime Deployment for the past few weeks. I even raised it as a discussion topic in our LSCC Roundtable. Here are the key points discussed. Obviously the feasibility/suitability completely depends on the application and platform architecture. Also this is not an attempt to provide a solution but more to record the thoughts and ideas:

  • Switch over to backup upgrade the primary and then switch back, and then update the backup site.
  • Have a HA configuration, take hosts out upgrade then switch gradually.
  • Allow for parallel runs, so you can switch over to a parallel when updating.
  • Develop application to run on previous and new version of the database. Hot deploy the app and "hot" migrate the database.
  • Use dynamic features in your platform to allow for hot deployment.
  • Use semi structured datastore so data migrations are minimal.
  • Provide targeted releases, i.e. if a particular area of the application changes than only that area is updated and not the whole application.
  • If eventual consistency across partitions is acceptable then deploy in partitions and update partitions gradually, i.e. like Facebook, Google etc.
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