Codurance Talks - Episode 7 - Parallel Changes

11 Dec 2018
Jorge Gueorguiev Garcia Image
Jorge Gueorguiev Garcia
See author's bio and posts

So this comes later than I wanted, due to my lack of sound skills (one day it will feel professional). But here we are Alvaro and Alfredo explaining me about Parallel Changes. What they are, how to implement them, and just wooing me with the idea. It is also the last podcast before Christmas. We will be looking at bringing more after New Year.

Links, lots of them:

You can find Eduardo Ferro's Slides on his website (In Spanish, but he is going to publish a translation soon, I've been told)

Strangler Pattern by Martin Fowler.

Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael C. Feathers

Blog post by Joshua Kerievsky

[Carlos ble]

The Github success case

Danilo Sato's blog post

Photo: Prairie Dog by DigiPD is licensed under CC0
Music: "Sweeter Vermouth" by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC-BY 3.0

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