André Guelfi Torres

Andre is a software developer from Brazil who discovered his passion for programming while working as tech support for an ERP in the fashion industry. Later, he became a developer in the same company working with Delphi.

A year and half later he joined another company, as the only developer, to build an event management system using Delphi.

In 2017 he decided to move to Europe and landed a job in the gaming industry in London, where he stayed working in the payments team for almost a year, until he joined Codurance.


Software es nuestra pasión.

Somos Software Craftspeople. Construimos software bien elaborado para nuestros clientes, ayudamos a los/as desarrolladores/as a mejorar en su oficio a través de la formación, la orientación y la tutoría. Ayudamos a las empresas a mejorar en la distribución de software.


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Londres, EC1M 5PU

Teléfono: +44 207 4902967

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Manchester, M2 5WQ

Teléfono: +44 161 302 6795

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Barcelona, 08018

Teléfono: +34 937 82 28 82

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