Giulio Perrone

Giulio had his first contact with programming thanks to World of Warcraft, where he tried to contribute to private servers and played with C# and MySQL on his machine. He would later start learning PHP to understand how web applications worked back then, serving as a catalyst for experimenting with other languages and frameworks.

Having been exposed to different work environments ranging from commercial boards to NGOs, he has sharpened his skills and developed a passion for Software Craftmanship, which he now advocates vigorously.

In his free time, you'll find him exploring the city, trying to convert everyone to Python and fighting invisible ninjas in gymnastics gyms.

Software es nuestra pasión.

Somos Software Craftspeople. Construimos software bien elaborado para nuestros clientes, ayudamos a los/as desarrolladores/as a mejorar en su oficio a través de la formación, la orientación y la tutoría. Ayudamos a las empresas a mejorar en la distribución de software.


3 Sutton Lane, planta 3
Londres, EC1M 5PU

Teléfono: +44 207 4902967

2 Mount Street
Manchester, M2 5WQ

Teléfono: +44 161 302 6795

Carrer de Pallars 99, planta 4, sala 41
Barcelona, 08018

Teléfono: +34 937 82 28 82

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