
Enterprise Application Development

Created by Mashooq Badar

The course takes the developer through a hands-on journey of building an enterprise system. It is intended to introduce the developer to leading practices they can confidently apply to their work.

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Course Duration

2 days

Why Attend?

In most enterprise projects the day-to-day development effort does not require the developer to get to know the system as a whole along with the build and deployment tools that support the software development lifecycle. This often results in lack of knowledge and confidence in the overall system, and the leading approaches in enterprise software development.

Learning Outcomes

  • Create a walking skeleton of the project
  • Create automated system tests
  • Use leading techniques to develop Web Services, Messaging and Persistence
  • Isolate the business from infrastructure using ports and adapters and Domain Driven Design


  • Create a build using Maven
  • Add static analysis to your build
  • Create automated system tests using a BDD framework
  • Persistence to a relational store
  • Messaging with JMS
  • RESTful web services
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • XML Marshalling


Software developers working on Java based Enterprise Systems.


Developers must:

  • Bring their own laptops
  • Have a development environment consisting of:
    • Java 1.7 or above
    • Their Favourite IDE
    • Maven 3.x

In addition a distributed version control system such as Git is desirable.

Talk to us about your training needs

Software es nuestra pasión.

Somos Software Craftspeople. Construimos software bien elaborado para nuestros clientes, ayudamos a los/as desarrolladores/as a mejorar en su oficio a través de la formación, la orientación y la tutoría. Ayudamos a las empresas a mejorar en la distribución de software.


3 Sutton Lane, planta 3
Londres, EC1M 5PU

Teléfono: +44 207 4902967

2 Mount Street
Manchester, M2 5WQ

Teléfono: +44 161 302 6795

Carrer de Pallars 99, planta 4, sala 41
Barcelona, 08018

Teléfono: +34 937 82 28 82

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